Sacred Art

A collection of Orthodox icons created in Scotland.

The works are written using traditional techniques primarily influenced and taught from the Athonite school.

Orthodox icon writing is a sacred art form that holds liturgical significance within the Orthodox faith. 

The intricate details and symbolism present within iconography represent an ancient and living tradition.

Icon writing in the Orthodox tradition can be traced back to the early days of Christianity. Influenced by the Roman and later Slavic artistic styles, it is part of a rich history of various styles. 

Icongraphy does not attempt to present a 2D representation of a 3D reality that the viewer observes. It is an invitation to the interact with something that transcends our space and time, God's eternal Kingdom

Each element in an Orthodox icon carries symbolic meaning and serves a theological purpose. From the gestures of the figures to the colors used,each decision is made consciously in the language of iconography.

An Iconographer should hold devoutly to the Traditions, ensuring continuity with the Blessed Fathers and Mothers of the Church. Creativity must be tempered by obedience to avoid egotism.